New Year Resolution Ideas

New Year Resolution

Every January 1st, millions of people attempt to start a New Year Resolution.

This is an action or task that they want to complete throughout the next year in order to better themselves or complete a life goal. We run through the top 5 resolutions that people try to keep to and give ideas on how to help complete them:

  • Stopping Smoking – This has to be the main resolution. Seeing a frantic flurry of people making their way to the smoking shelter at 11:45pm is common place at most New Years Eve parties, as smokers try to get that one last nicotine rush before packing in. Most of them are back smoking within 2 weeks but some keep going and stop smoking completely. The best way to do this is by using all available tools. Chewing gums, patches and tablets are all the medical ways of stopping and along with taking up a hobby and trying to keep away from smokers in all environments, you should be able to hopefully push through the first barrier and keep off the cigarettes.
  • Lose Weight – Getting fit and shedding the pounds is also another top resolution. Dieting and exercising are the main ways of being able to do this with a number of techniques for both available. You can also seek medical help and guidance in the form of diet pills and weight loss treatments in the hopes of getting that summer beach body you always hoped for.
  • Abstaining Alcohol – Trying to go a whole period of time without alcohol can be difficult. If its not the parties and occasions you are attending, its the boredom of not having anything other that soft drinks. But you don’t have to go a whole year without taking a drink. Set yourself a reachable goal, try to hit it and then asses how you feel afterwards. By not drinking you will become more healthy and save money so its a worthwhile experience and along with initiatives like ‘Dryathlon’ where you don’t drink for all of January, you should hopefully be able to enjoy an alcohol free life.
  • Get A New Job – Pushing yourself in your career can really help. You will not only gain more respect and a better feeling when going to work, but theoretically, you will also earn more money. It may be a case of moving from a paper round into part time bar work or it could be moving positions in multi-national companies. No matter how big or small your career is, you can do better. Assess the options, weigh up the pros and cons and then go for that career you have always dreamed of.
  • Take Up A New Hobby – Sports, arts and crafts, reading, wildlife or games. If you are interested in anything, get involved! There are teams and groups all across the county that are interested in the same things as you are so don’t hesitate in trying them out. It doesn’t necessarily have to be expensive either but if costs do incur, just think, it’s making you happy. So, whether you are a philanthropist or a model plane flyer, there is always something for you to be involved with.

There are millions and millions of things you can do for a resolution. Some make take 5 seconds, some may take 5 years. Just make sure you keep to it and progress throughout the year.

Have you committed to any resolutions? How are you finding it to keep to it? Let us know in the comments below.

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